Road Map

Phase One: Layer Minus Protocol Development (2022~2023.06)

Announcing CONET vision and project initiation, website construction

Release of the first version of the whitepaper, research outcomes

• Layer Minus communication protocol

• CONET node main program

• CONET node detection main program

• CONET client platform

• CONET dAPP applications

Phase Two: DePIN Protocol and Testnet (2023.06~11)

• Creation of the DePIN protocol based on the Layer Minus infrastructure to establish CONET's physical network infrastructure, rewarding contributors anonymously and fairly

• Launch testnet

• Release of the second version of the whitepaper and website construction

Phase Three: Mainnet and Ecosystem Development (2023/12~2024/04)

• Reconstruction of the official website and release of the third version of the whitepaper

• Launch of CONET platform V1 (based on CONET mainnet ERC-20 token - $CNTP)

• Launch of CONET platform V2 (based on CONET HOLESKY testnet ERC-20 token - $CNTP)

• Introduction of the "Guardian Plan," establishing the initial physical infrastructure of CONET with 15,000 cloud nodes serving as backbone node

• Participation of contributors and $CNTP token reward


Phase Four: Mainnet and Ecosystem Development Phase One (2024/05 - 2024/08)

• Token ($CONET) issuance and Initial DEX Offering (IDO) • Launch of CONET mainnet, participation of contributors, and implementation of $CONET token reward mechanism

• Establishment of the CONET ecosystem matrixinfra structure of CONET with 15K cloud nodes serving as backbone nodes.

• Completion of CONET portable mini-miner development, production, acceptance of orders, and distribution

• Development of enterprise-level Web2-to-Web3 onboarding application suite (SDK)

• Privacy internet toolkits (Web3 browser, chat, file sharing, and transmission)

Phase Five: Mainnet and Ecosystem Development Phase Two (2024/09 - 2025/12)

• Completion of institutional financing

• Launch of $CONET LaunchPAD for public offering

• Primary listing of $CONET on centralized exchanges (CEX) • Completion of scalable CONET physical infrastructure, reaching 300,000 globally distributed nodes

• Achieving network usage of 1,000,000 users on the CONET network • Establishment of the DePIN Alliance, bringing in major public chains, AI, RWA, GameFi, to collectively build the new Internet

Last updated